Jai Ho: A Little Boy's Diary

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Little Boy's Diary

A Little Boy's Diary 

                              - CHOOSE TO BE GOOD

        One fine night a little boy was walking on the terrace. A Little Breeze Pushing him back. His thoughts were Deeper than the earth From Galaxies.

        He Looked Clouds Covered the sky. All were in Deep Sleep. He would Love to Look at the Moon. He thought that “Moon Might Know all the answers for his Questions” every day he asks the Moon.

       “Hey Moon I have seen Many People Who come to me With their Selfish Motive, a friend Come to me to Chill, neighbors come to me to know what I am doing and Compare how they are Good from me, Relatives come to me to know What my current status is, Do the whole world is like that?”. But Moon Never answered it Just used to Shine More.

        One Fine day he Went For prayer he Found People thanking God for this beautiful Life. They are helping People by Donating money, Food and Clothes.

        He Got his answer. He rushed to his Terrace and anticipating For the Golden Night. Moon Looked at him and started Shining.

        “Always Focus to Shine From the Dark. There are Dark around us, but Not Completely”.

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Also read: Quotes-about-yourself 

Thanks for Reading 😍


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